Reprints and Books

The most dependent and engaging way to share knowledge with students and peers is to distribute reprints. CME Live encourages this by introducing reprints of all research work published under the domain.
As a mandate, all open access content should be available to the public for free. Readers from all around the globe should be able to download, review and share the content with one another after the author’s consent.

CME Live invites all the authors to publish their books and e-books with us in order to ensure it reaches a large number of relevant audiences who can benefit from the easy access of buying, downloading and pursuing your scientific research.

The advantage of e-books is that they can be stored on your device, giving them access to it, at all times. The popularity of books has grown over time because books are more engaging than research papers, white papers or any other traditional form of research presentation.
Some e-books even use video, audio and other creative ways to present research findings; making the e-books way more interesting.

CME Live accepts all kinds of titles that are similar to our journals and the topics we publish within the platform.
We suggest our authors go through our published articles, case reports, review articles, research papers, perspective articles, etc. before submitting their book for consideration. We offer the best quality prints at an affordable price, with e-books that are optimized for every screen size and resolution. We are also working towards the kindle addition to our e-books.


For our authors and readers, we publish scientific journals in an e-book format. As mentioned above, it is easy to buy and download these books to a device of your choice and browse in your own leisure time. Therefore, go ahead and publish your book to showcase it to an international audience.